group within that tradition) and describe, in brief, how they are
incorporated within that Indic system. Details are key
(arguably; The Vedas)
2.Rituals - Bindi
Birth Sanskars
-nishkarmana -annaprasana
marriage sanskars
-Jayamaala -madhu-parka
-Gau Daan & Kanya Pratigrahan
-shilarohan & Laaja Homa
-Surya Darshan & Dhruva Darshan
3.Religious experiences - Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses
Samadhi - ecstasy/trance
4.doctrines - Vedas(Rigveda / samaveda / Yajurveda / Atharvaveda)
Sutras ( Shrautasutra, Grihyasutra & Dharmasutra ) Puranas
Epics (Bhagavad Gita & Ramayana)
5.ethics - the ethics of hinduism are quite simple, as long as one understands the concepts of ahimsa, dharma, karma, and the practice of ashima, one understands the view points of hinduism almost in its entirety. Ahimsa teaches hindus to be as peace keeping as possible, Ahimsa teaches non violence, and therefore when making decisions, they must choose those which will harm people the least, though the exceptionn for violence is in self defense. dharma, is the belief that one should do as his role requires him to do, for example a warrior must fight wars for glory, and not for evil etc, in other words, everyone must do their duty. karma - karma is a concept that is a little bit more difficult to grasp, contrary to popular belief, karma is not always necessarily a good or bad action that will happen in this life, but rather is an accumulation of all the good & bad happenings that depend upon ones actions in all of ones lives, this of course is with the assumption that the belief of samsara, better known as reincarnation is true. The practices of Ashima restricts hindus from eating meat making them vegetarians. with these considerations, the views on popular debatable topics are as follows;
Abortion - whatever is best for everyone - ahimsaAnimal Cruelty/Animal rights - animals should have rights, treat them well - karma/samsara
euthenasia - an interesting topic, euthnasia as we know it is not allowed, but a form of suicide known as prayopavesa is permitted, which is essentially the starving of ones self.
7.material forms of the religion - Yantra Linga Cows & Religious art
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