In what significant ways is Sikhism different than Jainism? Be
sure to substantiate your answers.
The Main way that Sikhism Differs from Jainism, is the Jainism's lack of belief in a god, and that they never ask for god, Jainism attempts to achieve moksha, or escape of the cycle of samsara, through their own means, primarily controlling of the senses. they believe that the right view, the right knowledge, and the right conduct will lead them to the ultimate realization of divine consciousness. Jainist's chant the Navakar Mantra as a respectful act, more than a religious one, and believe that one makes his or her own destiny. The sikhs on the other had believe firmly in chanting the name of god, and the leader ship of a guru, and fate. The Sikhs also do not worship any idols, unlike the Jainists who worship idols of Jinas, Arihants, and Tirthankars
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